Adoptētais bērns paskaidroja, kāpēc nelīdzinās saviem vecākiem. Viņš sniedza tādu atbildi, kas viņiem lika raudāt. Kā saka, bērna mute runā patiesību

Bet reiz, rotaļlaukumā, vienam no bērniem, kuru adoptējuši Saterfieldi, kāds zēns pajautājis: “Kāpēc tu neesi līdzīgs mammai un tētim? Jautājums nebija pārdomāts, jo to uzdeva mazs bērns.

Džesika sāka satraukties, jo šāds jautājums tika uzdots pirmo reizi. Bet tas, ko viņas adoptētais dēls atbildēja, lika raudāt. Zēns tik pat atsaucīgi atbildēja: “Nav obligāti, visiem ģimenes locekļi izskatīties vienādi. Svarīgi ir tikai tas, ka mēs esam īsta ģimene.”

LASI VĒL: Neviens nevēlējās adoptēt meitenīti ar “sudraba actiņām”. Bet pēc tam kāda sieviete ieraudzīja viņas fotogrāfiju!

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Hey Mama, I know you forgot the Christmas candy for the preschool caroling today. The field trip money is way past due for the fourth grader. And it’s birthday month for the middle one. There’s so many things to remember in December. Wear PJs on Polar Express Day. Don’t forget to bring a dish for the Christmas Parties. And don’t you dare forget to get sitters, so you can go to said Christmas Parties. The room mom needs money for the teacher’s presents and yeah, there’s still homework everyday. Your laundry is pilled up like a Christmas tree, but let’s be real, it’s like that in every season. The house needs to be cleaned, like really cleaned. So many things to take care of. Presents to buy. So many errands to run. Presents to wrap. So many list to keep up with. Not to mention the stuff going on inside of you. The worries if you are present enough. The wondering if you could have pointed them a little more to Him today? Sometimes feeling like your flopping at this motherhood gig. But you’re legit doing the best you can. Just a reminder that this season doesn’t run you and your identity isn’t found in whether or not you remembered or forgot the stupid candy. If it does, you’re missing the point of Christmas. Don’t get caught up in the parties or presents, lists or schedules. Don’t get caught up in the need to perform or look like you have it together. You know that’s not what makes you valuable. Simply being His, means you have all the approval you’ll ever need. Take a deep breath and breathe Him in, the Prince of Peace. Linger, stay there a while with Him, there’s really no hurry. Make room for Him. Don’t miss Him in this beautiful season in all the noise. And as far as the children are concerned, they are fed and mostly clothed (except the kid that refuses to wear underwear). They are happy, really happy. And boy, are they loved. They’re so loved, Mama. And whether or not you got those Christmas cards out this year doesn’t matter. Just know your Father is so stinking proud of you. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If no one has told you lately, Mama, you’re doing a great job! Tag a friend that needs to hear this. ? #gracewhilewewait #peace

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