Adoptētais bērns paskaidroja, kāpēc nelīdzinās saviem vecākiem. Viņš sniedza tādu atbildi, kas viņiem lika raudāt. Kā saka, bērna mute runā patiesību

Džesika Saterfīlda un viņas vīrs jau vairākus gadus centās tikt pie bērna. Bet diemžēl visi viņu mēģinājumi bijuši neveiksmīgi. Protams, viņi par to ļoti pārdzīvoja.

Bet vīrs un sieva atrada veidu, kā realizēt sevi vecāku lomā. Viņi nolēma adoptēt bērnus no bērnunama. Turklāt Saterfieldu pāris vienmēr sapņoja par lielu un trokšņainu ģimeni ar vairākiem bērniem. Tāpēc no bērnu nama viņi paņēma vairākus bērnus.

LASI VĒL: Sieviete adoptēja savas draudzenes četras meitas, jo draudzene nomira… Runā, ka sieviešu draudzība nepastāv

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An entire week just being his wife. Before we left, Micah asked him why we had to go by ourselves and the kids couldn’t come too. Brandon said, “Because we love you so much. We want to keep growing our marriage so you know what it looks like to love.” ? Before we had kids we promised it would be something the Satterfield’s would always do. And I’m proud we’ve made trips alone a priority in our marriage, but also in the culture of our home. It’s important our kids watch us love. (Thanks to YaYa for keeping our babies safe while we’re gone.) Also doing trips with your best friends is even better. Cheers to dating this hottie all week, drinking margaritas every day, eating all the tacos, and talking about Jesus with the besties ALL WEEK LONG! ??? #gracewhilewewait #lifecrush #choosefun #contest

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Tagad viņi audzina trīs adoptētus bērnus. Visi trīs bērni ir afroamerikāņi. Džesika atzīst, ka tas rada dažas problēmas un pārpratumus. Bet kopumā viņu ģimene sabiedrībā tiek pieņemta normāli.

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In Hebrews 4, God says His word is sharper than a two edged sword that pierces between bone and marrow. In TPT footnotes it says that the two edges of the sword are God’s Word and then our agreement with His word. There is massive power in our agreement. I had a moment last week in the middle of this revelation that our house right now just has the “bones.” We spent last weekend with family and dear friends writing Scripture and prophetic words into the “bones” of our new home. There’s something beautiful about knowing when the sheet rock is up, paint, and decorations are on the walls, underneath it all, in the very structure of our house, is the Word of God. I hope my kids remember that day forever. And always see us decreeing and agreeing, in every circumstance, the Word of God. #gracewhilewewait #thehouseofjoy

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